There has been the never ending debate as to whether SEO or PPC is the better option to bring you the highest amount of potential success and traffic. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC) definitely have their own set of pros and cons which will be broken down right now. You will soon be able to see which practice is the best option for you and your traffic goals.

The Pros of SEO

The first benefit of utilizing SEO is that the benefits that come from the investment will continue to increase, even after PPC has reached the peak. Since SEO is based on a consistently using the practices, the more you use it, the more successful your traffic increases, and the more specific the ads become related to your field of interest. In addition, 85% of clicks online come from a search as opposed to paid ads, and 86% of people searching online trust SEO listings as opposed to any sponsored or paid listing such as PPC.

The Pros of PPC

While SEO builds as you continue, PPC provides you with instant results and can ultimately generation a huge increase in visitors as soon as you complete the PPC action. You can also manage a budget and measure your return on investment much easier by utilizing PPC since you pay per clicks that you receive – Hence the name. In addition, 50% of people visiting a retailer’s site from a paid ad are more likely to buy than those who visit via a general link.

The Cons Of SEO

The biggest con of SEO is that you either have to invest your time or funds immediately, and wait for results. It can take awhile for you to receive the fullest potential of benefits that come from utilizing Search Engine Optimization. However, once you have bypassed that initial start up period with minimal results, they will continuously grow more and more. Another con that may determine whether SEO or PPC is for you is that if are any changes to what Google allows for SEO, you have to switch everything up. If you have invested a lot of time in a site that isn’t search engine friendly, you could be looking at a lengthy and costly process. You also can’t predict how you will rank in search engines by utilizing SEO. You can only follow the guidelines and continue to do so, in hopes to continually process on the ranking.

The Cons of PPC

Although you can budget when using PPC, clicks can become expensive, and bidding wars can frequently occur. Since you have to pay for clicks per month, if your budget is exceeded, the ads are gone and so is the traffic that you would have received from the search engine. In addition, you also have to investment a significant amount of time in order to monitor and adjust your ads on a constant basis.
Picking a practice that suits your needs is to imperative to your amount of success and ultimately, your increase in traffic. You need to decide whether you want instant results, or continually growing benefits. You also need to consider your field of interest and determine who your targeted audience is, so you can target them effectively.


seo vs ppc